» Projekti

National qualifications database

Project implementation: 2017-2018.
Donor: Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (ЕАCEA)/European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS+)
Project objectives: development of the national qualifications data, adjustment of the qualifications standards in accordance with the database, preparation and entry of new qualifications, improving visibility and promotion of qualifications database, research of database user satisfaction and synchronization of databases with European portal.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development has established the qualifications database.
Implementing the national qualifications database in Serbia and referencing it with European Qualifications Framework is a priority in implementing reforms in education.
The national qualifications database has been recognized as a project of great importance for implementing the objects defined in relevant strategic documents and chapters related to the process of accession to the EU. This project was funded by ERASMUS +, and it was operational until the end of 2018.

European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training – National Reference Points

Project implementation: 2019 – 2021.
Donor: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) / Schools, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms (ERASMUS+)
Project objectives: Serbia has recently joined the EQAVET network. This project aimed to set the ground for quality assurance in vocational education and training at the national level. The main objectives included the analysis of national and European quality assurance frameworks, establishing the NRP work in Serbia, and promoting EQAVET and QA to policymakers, relevant ministries and the Qualification Agency. The NRP cooperated with other countries in the EQAVET network to facilitate exchange and peer learning.
The NRP activities included, among others, the organisation of a national conference, the publication of the dedicated web pages on the website of the Ministry and the translation of materials. A study on the national and European quality assurance policies and frameworks focusing on VET was performed and served as the key research report during the project implementation period. A series of follow-up events were organised to promote EQAVET, a culture of self-evaluation and the use of QA frameworks and to obtain information on the state of implementation of quality assurance frameworks in Serbia.
The second conference presented the results of this analysis and the activities of the EQAVET network and NRP. Synergies were sought with EQF and other relevant bodies on the national level; many of the activities will be implemented in close cooperation with the Qualifications Agency.

Implementing renewed priorities for the European Agenda for Adult Learning – National Coordinators for the implementation of the Agenda/ ERASMUS-AGENDA-IBA

Project implementation: 2022 – 2023.
Donor: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) / ERASMUS +
Project objectives: In line with the commitment of the Republic of Serbia to join the European Union and the strategic framework defined in education and employment development strategies, the main objective of this project is the further improvement of the adult education system in order to diversify the offer of accredited market-relevant non-formal adult education programmes, increase relevance and transparency of educational offer, as well as to encourage dialogue and the development of social partnership in the field of adult education.
The project plans to implement activities related to the modernisation of qualification standards as a starting point for developing market-relevant non-formal training programmes for adults. Also, it is intended to enforce actions regarding preparing content to be entered into the PROA (JPOA) sub-Register, which refers to PROA and accredited non-formal training programmes. Special attention will be paid to the analysis of various options for systemic solutions for implementing the concept of qualifications for employment in the context of improving labour market mobility and the analysis of the possibility of implementing these solutions in the education system of the Republic of Serbia.
The mentioned reform efforts of both the education and employment systems are the driving force for developing a functional market of non-formal training programmes. They are part of solving the problem of incompatibility of the adult education system with the needs of the economy, social and personal development, the issue of an insufficiently developed and sustainable system of social partnerships, the problem of lack of quality standards and coordination in the process of qualifications and training programmes development and their implementation, etc.

Development of an Integrated National Qualifications System in Serbia

Implementation period: 2019 – 2021.
Donor: EU IPA14
Project objectives: ”Development of an Integrated National Qualifications System in Serbia” Project supported the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in establishing a National Qualifications Framework, which will contribute to matching the supply of education and training with the needs of the labour market. The Project supported the work of the newly established Qualifications Agency, the development of the NQF Register, the development of sector profiles and qualifications standards, and the development of a functional system for recognition of prior learning.
Project activities are divided into three segments (three Project results):
Activities under Result 1 were focused on establishing the NQF Register and institutionalising social partnerships. Activities also covered support to the Qualifications Agency and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for drafting regulations and required by-laws.
Through activities under Result 2, support was provided for developing sector profiles and qualifications standards, including support for the work of sector skill councils. The Project task was to create a methodology that will enable the development of sector profiles in all sectors and to enable the Qualifications Agency and sector skill councils to apply this methodology. Project activities also focused on developing Methodology for qualification standard development and linking qualifications with occupational standards.
Under Result 3 existing Concept of recognition of prior learning was analysed, and based on it, the system for recognition of prior learning was be piloted. Based on the piloting results, the Concept was revised, and the Project supported the system in establishing quality assurance mechanisms in the process of recognition of prior learning.
The Project began operating in February 2019 and continued until August 2021.

Employment policies and social policies in the Republic of Serbia, with a focus on employment policies and increase of employability of young people (Education to Employment, E2E)

Implementation period: 2017-2023.
Donor: The Swiss Confederation Government, represented by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency
Project objectives: Inclusive and sustainable increase of the employability of young people in the Republic of Serbia
The ”Employment policies and social policies reform in Republic Serbia, with focus on employment policies and increase of employability of young people (ESRP) in Republic Serbia with the focus on employment policies and increase of the employability of young people” is part of a broader programme, financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, titled ”Education to Employment (E2E) – Youth  Skills Development and Public Private Partnership in Serbia”, the overall objective of which is the inclusive and sustainable increase of the employability of young people in Republic Serbia, with particular focus on decreasing the gap between education and the labour market needs.
By implementing this Project, the goals anticipated in relevant strategic documents and chapters for the EU accession process, the Employment and Social policies reform programme in particular, are to be achieved. This Project is supported by key Ministries in charge of the implementation of the employment and employability of young people policies in the Republic of Serbia: Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD), and Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS).
The project ”Support to implementation of Employment policy and social policy reform in the Republic of Serbia, with particular focus on employment policies and increase of employability of young people” aims at achieving the implementation of two main outcomes:

  •  relevant ministries develop an improved national framework of public policies in the field of employability and employment of young people, and
  •  unemployed young people benefit from innovative solutions and models for increasing employment and employability of young people.

The specified competent ministries were involved in stage 1 of the Project, the duration of which was October 2015 – October 2016, while the main stage is a continuance of mutual efforts in the field of employment of young people, to be carried out until the end of 2023.

Support to dual VET and NQFS system reform in the framework of lifelong learning in Serbia


Implementation period: 2022 – 2026.

Donor: Swiss Confederation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Project objectives: The project ”Support to dual VET and NQFS system reform in the framework of lifelong learning in Serbia”, implemented by the Office for Dual Education and National Qualifications Framework and supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation aims to improve the system of dual education and the system of the National Qualifications Framework (NQFS). The Project represents the continuation of the Swiss Confederation’s support for dual education and lifelong learning in the Republic of Serbia.

The general Project objective is: Young labour-market entrants and employers benefit from improved labour-market outcomes thanks to a sustainable and inclusive dual VET system. The Project contributes to the realisation of three main outcomes:

Outcome number 1: Dual education system improved, ensuring an easier transition from education to employment

Outcome number 2: The efficiency and transparency of the education system improved through the digitalisation of business processes and procedures

Outcome number 3: The National Qualifications Framework system improved in the context of lifelong learning

Some of the project activities that will contribute to the achievement of the above-mentioned outcomes are related to supporting the work of the Commission for the Development and Implementation of Dual Education, improving the legal framework in the field of dual education and its implementation, monitoring and evaluation, creating and implementing research on the development of dual education, and creating professional materials, strengthening the capacity of employees in institutions for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of dual education. The Project will also support the capacity building of institutions and bodies responsible for the National Qualification Framework, preparation of expert materials (analysis, methodologies, studies, procedures, etc.), digitisation of processes and procedures related to the National Qualification Framework, PROAEA, UIES, EUROPASS, will support the improvement of policies relevant to the National Qualifications Framework and lifelong learning system through the preparation of various acts that are aligned with European policies.

Connecting the NQFS Register with the Europass online platform/ERASMUS EQF IBA

Implementation period: 2022 – 2023.
Donor: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) / ERASMUS +
Project objectives: In accordance with the strategic framework defined in the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Serbia until 2030 and the commitment of the Republic of Serbia to join the European Union, the main goal of this project is to improve further transparency and comparability of the national qualifications systems as well as to encourage dialogue and develop the social partnership in the field of education.
Within this project, activities will be implemented to connect the NQFS Register with the Europass online platform, such as: continuing the process of entering data on qualifications into the NQFS Register in Serbian and English, creating technical solutions for connecting the NQFS Register with the Europass online platform and promoting the NQFS and the EQF, which implies encouraging their implementation by social partners.
Connecting the NQFS Register with the Europass online platform will, inter alia, ensure transparency and comparability of the qualifications system of Serbia at the international level. This will contribute to building trust between the national qualifications system and qualifications systems of different European countries and to a better quality of information on the possibilities of continuing education and mobility through education and labour market systems in Serbia and other (European) countries.
The implementation of this project will also support the use of the European Qualifications Framework by relevant social partners such as: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the National Employment Service and other employment agencies, quality assurance bodies, educational institutions (schools and universities) as well as other public and private institutions interested in transparency and comparability of qualifications and learning outcomes.

Support to dual VET and NQFS system reform in the framework of lifelong learning in Serbia

Implementation period: 2022 – 2026.

Donor: Swiss Confederation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Project objectives: The project ”Support to dual VET and NQFS system reform in the framework of lifelong learning in Serbia”, implemented by the Office for Dual Education and National Qualifications Framework and supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation aims to improve the system of dual education and the system of the National Qualifications Framework (NQFS). The Project represents the continuation of the Swiss Confederation’s support for dual education and lifelong learning in the Republic of Serbia.

The general Project objective is: Young labour-market entrants and employers benefit from improved labour-market outcomes thanks to a sustainable and inclusive dual VET system. The Project contributes to the realisation of three main outcomes:

Outcome number 1: Dual education system improved, ensuring an easier transition from education to employment

Outcome number 2: The efficiency and transparency of the education system improved through the digitalisation of business processes and procedures

Outcome number 3: The National Qualifications Framework system improved in the context of lifelong learning

Some of the project activities that will contribute to the achievement of the above-mentioned outcomes are related to supporting the work of the Commission for the Development and Implementation of Dual Education, improving the legal framework in the field of dual education and its implementation, monitoring and evaluation, creating and implementing research on the development of dual education, and creating professional materials, strengthening the capacity of employees in institutions for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of dual education. The Project will also support the capacity building of institutions and bodies responsible for the National Qualification Framework, preparation of expert materials (analysis, methodologies, studies, procedures, etc.), digitisation of processes and procedures related to the National Qualification Framework, PROAEA, UIES, EUROPASS, will support the improvement of policies relevant to the National Qualifications Framework and lifelong learning system through the preparation of various acts that are aligned with European policies.