Implementation period: 2017-2023.
Donor: The Swiss Confederation Government, represented by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency
Project objectives: Inclusive and sustainable increase of the employability of young people in the Republic of Serbia
The ”Employment policies and social policies reform in Republic Serbia, with focus on employment policies and increase of employability of young people (ESRP) in Republic Serbia with the focus on employment policies and increase of the employability of young people” is part of a broader programme, financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, titled ”Education to Employment (E2E) – Youth  Skills Development and Public Private Partnership in Serbia”, the overall objective of which is the inclusive and sustainable increase of the employability of young people in Republic Serbia, with particular focus on decreasing the gap between education and the labour market needs.
By implementing this Project, the goals anticipated in relevant strategic documents and chapters for the EU accession process, the Employment and Social policies reform programme in particular, are to be achieved. This Project is supported by key Ministries in charge of the implementation of the employment and employability of young people policies in the Republic of Serbia: Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD), and Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS).
The project ”Support to implementation of Employment policy and social policy reform in the Republic of Serbia, with particular focus on employment policies and increase of employability of young people” aims at achieving the implementation of two main outcomes:

  •  relevant ministries develop an improved national framework of public policies in the field of employability and employment of young people, and
  •  unemployed young people benefit from innovative solutions and models for increasing employment and employability of young people.

The specified competent ministries were involved in stage 1 of the Project, the duration of which was October 2015 – October 2016, while the main stage is a continuance of mutual efforts in the field of employment of young people, to be carried out until the end of 2023.