Dual education is a model of implementation of teaching in the system of secondary vocational education in which the curricula is carried out in two places, in the school and in the company. Students acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes through theoretical teaching and exercises at school and work-based learning in the company. Work-based learning can also be carried out in training centers, as a form of support for both formal dual education and non-formal education. In the training centers, training, professional training, additional training and retraining of different population groups will be carried out.

Dual education enables the acquisition, improvement and development of competences in accordance with the needs of the labor market, employment upon completion of education, development of entrepreneurial competences, innovation and creativity of each individual for his/her professional and career development, development of competences for teamwork, communication, cooperation, sense of personal responsibility in work, the ability to self-evaluate and express one’s own opinion, decision-making, lifelong learning and contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the economy of the Republic of Serbia.

The most important benefits of this model of education are the quality of knowledge and skills students acquire, an easier transition to the world of work and employment.

Active competitions National database of dual profiles for secondary education