Project implementation: 2019 – 2021.
Donor: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) / Schools, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms (ERASMUS+)
Project objectives: Serbia has recently joined the EQAVET network. This project aimed to set the ground for quality assurance in vocational education and training at the national level. The main objectives included the analysis of national and European quality assurance frameworks, establishing the NRP work in Serbia, and promoting EQAVET and QA to policymakers, relevant ministries and the Qualification Agency. The NRP cooperated with other countries in the EQAVET network to facilitate exchange and peer learning.
The NRP activities included, among others, the organisation of a national conference, the publication of the dedicated web pages on the website of the Ministry and the translation of materials. A study on the national and European quality assurance policies and frameworks focusing on VET was performed and served as the key research report during the project implementation period. A series of follow-up events were organised to promote EQAVET, a culture of self-evaluation and the use of QA frameworks and to obtain information on the state of implementation of quality assurance frameworks in Serbia.
The second conference presented the results of this analysis and the activities of the EQAVET network and NRP. Synergies were sought with EQF and other relevant bodies on the national level; many of the activities will be implemented in close cooperation with the Qualifications Agency.