Mrs Grujić and Mr Vesić signed Memorandum of Cooperation on the development of a training centre in the field of transport

Mrs Grujić and Mr Vesić signed Memorandum of Cooperation on the development of a training centre in the field of transport

Director of the Office for Dual Education and the National Qualifications Framework, Professor Gabrijela Grujić and the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić have signed today a Memorandum of Cooperation on the development of a training centre for rail, air and water transport. The document, as it was stated, is the foundation for further improvement of the cooperation between the two institutions and further investments in the education of future staff in this field.

On that occasion, the reconstructed building of the Aviation Training Centre of the Aviation Academy in Belgrade was officially opened. According to Mrs Grujić, the training centre is developing strongly and is aligned with international standards.

“The Aviation Academy has an external base in Vršac where young people have the opportunity to learn in a real working environment. The permits they will receive at the Aviation Academy will be in accordance with EASA standards. That is why this memorandum I signed with Minister Vesić is important, because it allows us to go beyond and continue bringing together the energy, support, commitment, knowledge and institutions. The goal is to jointly provide the highest quality study programmes at the level of secondary and higher education and training for personnel education,”  said Mrs Grujić.

Minister Vesić has said that Serbia’s progress in the transport sector is evident and announced the further development of air and rail transport, underlining that the new building of the training centre in Belgrade will house a simulator for the Airbus A320, and that the Aviation Academy will train around 120 pilots, aircraft mechanics and air traffic controllers annually.

“Today we have shown how much we are investing in education and how important it is to us that our children get a chance to get education and work.” The licenses they receive here will be valid in the EU, and we will be able to train personnel from other countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Turkey and North Macedonia. In this way, Belgrade is also becoming a regional centre,” concluded Mr Vesić.