Implementation period: 2022 – 2026.

Donor: Swiss Confederation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Project objectives: The project ”Support to dual VET and NQFS system reform in the framework of lifelong learning in Serbia”, implemented by the Office for Dual Education and National Qualifications Framework and supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation aims to improve the system of dual education and the system of the National Qualifications Framework (NQFS). The Project represents the continuation of the Swiss Confederation’s support for dual education and lifelong learning in the Republic of Serbia.

The general Project objective is: Young labour-market entrants and employers benefit from improved labour-market outcomes thanks to a sustainable and inclusive dual VET system. The Project contributes to the realisation of three main outcomes:

Outcome number 1: Dual education system improved, ensuring an easier transition from education to employment

Outcome number 2: The efficiency and transparency of the education system improved through the digitalisation of business processes and procedures

Outcome number 3: The National Qualifications Framework system improved in the context of lifelong learning

Some of the project activities that will contribute to the achievement of the above-mentioned outcomes are related to supporting the work of the Commission for the Development and Implementation of Dual Education, improving the legal framework in the field of dual education and its implementation, monitoring and evaluation, creating and implementing research on the development of dual education, and creating professional materials, strengthening the capacity of employees in institutions for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of dual education. The Project will also support the capacity building of institutions and bodies responsible for the National Qualification Framework, preparation of expert materials (analysis, methodologies, studies, procedures, etc.), digitisation of processes and procedures related to the National Qualification Framework, PROAEA, UIES, EUROPASS, will support the improvement of policies relevant to the National Qualifications Framework and lifelong learning system through the preparation of various acts that are aligned with European policies.
